Renewable Energy Projects
Our renewable energy projects are exploring new and existing technology to help reduce scope three emissions. Scope three emissions are indirect greenhouse gas emissions, other than scope two emissions, that are generated in the wider economy.
Renewable Gas
The Western Sydney Hydrogen Hub
Introducing one of our Renewable Gas pilot production facilities, helping to take New South Wales a step closer to a clean energy future.
The Western Sydney Hydrogen Hub demonstrates the effectiveness of hydrogen in helping to achieve New South Wales' 2030 emission targets.
Renewable hydrogen is produced by a 500kW on-site electrolyser, which is powered by the electricity network. Jemena purchases generation certificates to offset and ensure the electricity used at the hub is renewable. After being injected into the existing gas network, and blended with natural gas, the hydrogen can be used by many homes and businesses in Western Sydney.
The Malabar Biomethane Injection Plant
Australia’s first biomethane-to-gas network project started injecting biomethane into the Jemena Gas Network in June 2023.
At this facility, Jemena has partnered with Sydney Water to upgrade biogas produced from organic waste at the Malabar Water Resource Recovery Facility to a quality that meets the required specifications for injection into the natural gas network as compliant gas.
Biomethane can be used the same way as natural gas, which makes it a ‘here-and-now’ way to help the transition to a low carbon future.
The project is jointly funded by Jemena and the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), and has been developed in partnership with Sydney Water.
The facility has been formally certified by GreenPower – a government managed renewable energy certification program – in an important next step for Australia’s nascent renewable gas sector. GreenPower Renewable Gas Certification means renewable gas certificates will be issued for gas produced at the Malabar Biomethane Injection Plant (MBIP) certifying that gas produced at the plant is low-emission renewable gas.
Renewable Electricity
Community Batteries
Making renewable energy available to more Victorians through community batteries.
Community batteries (or neighbourhood batteries) store excess renewable energy generated from rooftop solar when it’s sunny and make it available to the wider community when it’s not sunny.
In 2024 Jemena is installing four community batteries within its electricity network in Melbourne’s north-west. This will make locally generated renewable energy available to more people through their existing electricity supply.
This project is one small part of a broader renewable energy transition and is another positive step towards reducing emissions across the whole community while maintaining reliability.
EV Grid: Enabling Electric Vehicle Friendly Networks and Neighbourhoods
Supporting the growing adoption of electric vehicles across Australia.
The EV Grid: Enabling Electric Vehicle Friendly Networks and Neighbourhoods trial took place between April 2022 and April 2023 led by Jemena in partnership with four electricity distribution companies.
The $3.4 million trial helped to support growing adoption of electric vehicles across Australia while reducing the need for costly upgrades to electricity infrastructure. It was awarded $1.6 million in funding from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and ran over two years.
The final report is available here.