Vulnerable Customers
Supporting Vulnerable Customers
We provide extra support to our vulnerable customers in Victoria and New South Wales.
Vulnerable Customer Strategy
To support customers experiencing vulnerability, we have embedded a number of key initiatives and programs across our business. These include:
The Uniting Energy Assist program to support customers who may be struggling with bills in Victoria and New South Wales.
The Voices for Power Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) community leadership outreach program in New South Wales.
Working with our stakeholders and customers to facilitate ‘Bring You Bill Days’ to promote energy literacy and identify those who need help.
Promoting awareness of vulnerability and its impacts via our Customer Councils and Energy Charter.
Equipping our customer-facing teams with the skills to identify, empathise and appropriately support customers experiencing vulnerability.
Translating our network communications to support CALD customers and communities.
Life Support customers
We take extra precautions to maintain power reliability for registered Life Support Customers within the Jemena Electricity Network in Victoria. Life Support Customers are customers who require electricity to power equipment such as oxygen concentrators or dialysis machines, or any other electrical equipment that a doctor believes is important in maintaining the customer's health.
We provide special support for Life Support Customers during electricity outages. This includes:
Offering to loan a backup battery for planned outages
SMS reminder notifications before a planned outage
SMS notifications during unplanned power outages
Priority restoration status for any fault or outage on the network
24/7 Faults and Emergencies phone number 131 626